中心主页>资讯公告>新闻>スロットマシン カジノ|2022中国虎年:让设计学如虎添翼——重温《设计科学上海宣言》

スロットマシン カジノ|2022中国虎年:让设计学如虎添翼——重温《设计科学上海宣言》



スロットマシン カジノ



在2022农历虎年即将来临之际,由国际设计科学学会主办的两个学报——《国际设计科学学报》(International Journal of Design Science)和《东方设计学报》终于正式创刊了,前者偏重探索设计科学原理,后者定位于art and design。至此,ISDS在东方设计集团助力下创办的双学报完成了从艺术与科学两翼全面研究设计学创作理论、实践体系和科学评价的平台搭建,为践行国际设计科学学会的宗旨迈出了坚实的一步。




(2019年9月21日 スロットマシン カジノ)


第一部分 学科与地位

第1条 设计与人类社会发展的关系。设计是人类最早的实践活动之一,它促进了人类社会的发展和进步。伴随“大设计时代”的到来,设计在人类生活中的作用和影响无处不在。设计已经成为并也将是未来一个巨大的产业体系,具有诱人的发展前景。并将加快人类社会发展的进程。

第2条 设计学的学科地位。作为由多个与艺术相关的专业所组成的学科群,设计学涵盖了当今所有与艺术相关的设计活动。但设计学的范围不仅仅限于人文与艺术领域,还包含自然科学和工程技术科学的广泛内容。作为介于哲学等人文科学和工学等技术科学之间、具有创新引领价值的特殊艺术学科,设计学也是自然形成的贴合人类社会未来发展趋势和当今发展需要的新兴交叉学科,集艺术、科学、技术、人文、社会、商业等多重属性于一体。

第3条 设计实践的发展方向。当前,各国都把设计业推上了产业发展和社会繁荣的前所未有的高度。为了实现这些宏伟的目标,不仅需要得到前瞻性设计理论武装和国际水准设计案例滋养的高端设计人才队伍,更需要新的设计思想和不断创新的研究思路。为此,设计学研究需要从理性的视角、运用科学的手段和方法来考察设计本身,以便更好地开展设计实践。

第二部分 问题与挑战

第4条 新工业时代的挑战。进入21世纪,人类社会正是经历从工业时代到后工业时代的转变,人工智能等技术高速发展,设计的外延不断扩大。联合国提出的可持续发展目标,以及人类对美好生活的愿景,对设计提出了更高的要求。

第5条 理论与实践的脱节。与其他学科相比,设计科学还缺少基础理论和系统的研究方法。设计教育与设计产业的脱节,也使得当前的设计理论与设计实践的结合有待提升,理论体系尚需完善。

第6条 设计价值体系亟待构建。设计价值体系作为人类在设计活动中的主观愿望、需求和意识的产物,是行为、信念、理想与规范的准则体系,也是社会性的主观规范体系。当前,由于设计理论与设计实践的结合尚不够紧密,具有地域特色的现代设计价值体系尚不完善,亟需构建。

第三部分 责任与使命

第7条 融汇艺术与科学。设计学发展的原动力是人类的需求,设计的本质是创新,科学与艺术则是创新设计的双引擎。作为当今世界最能跨越国界、文化的界限而产生深广影响力的精神创造活动,科学与艺术是国家核心竞争力的体现。在“科技进步”不断进步的当下,对其造成的政治、社会、生态、文化与心灵的负面结果进行批判和追问,有助于艺术在思想与实践方面的升华,也有助于打破科学研究的思维范式,涵养科学的创造活力。

第8条 创新理论与方法。设计理论与方法是架构设计学科最重要的知识系统与核心基础,设计思维是设计学的核心研究议题。以东方设计学这一具有东方特色的设计理论体系与实践体系的建设为目标,以用户、科技、市场为要素,以人、机、环境协调为原则,以设计思维及其方法体系为输出,通过深度学理研究与案例价值提炼,平衡传承文化与引领创新之间的关系,兼顾使用者的需求与设计者的理想,进行包括产品设计、人居环境设计等在内的全方位创新设计理论与方法的研究与实践,从而在设计中融合科学技术与艺术表现。

第9条 构建设计新格局。纵观设计的发展历程,设计已经从设计1.0发展到设计5.0。然而,由于人类社会进步涉及资源、环境、经济、宗教、政治、文化和社会,传统设计抑或当下的所谓大设计也不能完成地域振兴所赋予的设计任务。时代呼唤基于地格的创新设计——地域振兴设计,一种以复杂适应系统(Complex Adaptive Systems,简称CAS)或复杂性科学(Complexity Science)为理论基础的整体设计(holistic design)。用human-centric design的整体设计思维和生产、生活、生态“三生和谐”的设计理念,加速“设计”与“产业+生活+环境”的融合创新,构建健康的世界设计新格局。通过探索地域振兴设计的理论和方法,为人类社会共同进步和发展贡献设计的力量。


Shanghai Declaration on Design Science

(21st September 2019, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

We, as the representative of scholars from the universities, have attended the 5th Oriental Forum and the 2019 International Symposium on Oriental Design. Here a consensus on the acknowledgement, development, future and mission of design discipline has been reached after in-depth discussions and rational considerations.

Discipline and Orientation

1. The relationship between design and the development of human society. Design is one of the earliest activities of human. It accelerates the development and progress of human society. Influences of design has been everywhere in people’s life since the arrival of “Big Design Era”. Thus, the design industry ought to be a huge industry with promising future and it should continue contributing on the acceleration of society development.

2. The orientation of design discipline. Design discipline includes various kind of activities related to art because it comprises many majors related to art. However, the orientation of design discipline covers not only art and humanities, but also natural science and engineering. It is an important discipline with guidance value of creation. Design discipline is an emerging interdisciplinary which meets the needs of human society developments nowadays. It includes art, science, technology, humanity, society, business and so on.

3. The direction for design practice development. Nowadays, many countries have considered design as significant in industry and society development. Prospective design theory and a high-class design team which meets the level of international standard quality projects are needed to reach their goals. Creative design thoughts and research ideas have significant roles as well. Therefore, to carry out better design practices, design researches should focus on design itself with scientific methods from a rational angle.

Problems and Challenges

4. Challenges from the New Industry era. Human society is undergoing the change from industry age to post-industry age in the 21st century. The boundary of design has expanded with the innovative development of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Design has a higher standard to meet the requirement of the sustainable development goals raised by the United Nations and the people’s vision of a better life.

5. Theories has been out of touch with practice. Compare to other disciplines, the design discipline still lacks fundamental theories and systematic research approaches. The detachment of design education and design industry results in the need of perfection of design theory system and the combination of design theory and design practice.

6. The value system of design remains as an ongoing construction. The value system of design is the system of behavior, belief, ideality and criterion. It is a social subjective criterion system as well as design is the result of subjective ideality, need and people’s thoughts in design practice. The modern design value system with regional characteristics needs to be constructed as design theory does not integrate so close with design practice.

Responsibility and Mission

7. Combination of art and science. Human’s needs motivate the development of design and the essence of design is creation. Science and art are the two engines of creative design as well as the core competitiveness of a country. They are the influential creative activity which could cross the boundary of territory and culture. The science progress leads to some problems in politics, society, ecological environment, culture and soul. The criticism and inquiry of those negative results would contribute to more than the thought and practice in art. Breaking the stereotype in scientific researches and increasing the creative energy in science would also benefit from it.

8. Creative theories and methods. Design theory and methodology is the most important knowledge system and core basics in construct design discipline. Design thoughts are the core research project of design. Oriental design is the goal of our discipline construction. Consumers, technology and market should be the basic elements and the coordination of human, machines and the environment should be the principle. The expression of technology and art in design should be emphasized by the research and practice of creative design theory and methods including product design, environment design for human’s living and so on. The relationships between culture and creation, consumers’ needs and designers’ ideas should be balanced throughout the development in theoretical study and case research.

9. Construction of new pattern in design. Design has developed from “Design 1.0” to “Design 5.0”. However, it is hard for classic design or big design to carry out the mission of regional revitalization. It is necessary to develop the regional revitalization which based on the study of geography. It is a kind of holistic design based on complex adaptive systems or complexity science. The regional revitalization design focuses on human-centric design and calls out the harmony of product, life and environment. It would accelerate the creative fusion of design and “industry + life + environment”, thus build a healthier world. Theories and methods of regional revitalization design would benefit the progress and development of human society.

For the better life of people, all affiliates from the design industry should unite together to construct design discipline and make design and design education civil behavior.
